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Showing posts from August, 2021

Small Following, Big Impact: The Power of Micro-Influencer Marketing

Social media marketing for businesses has proved to be a boon! Indeed, businesses and leading companies who are looking for constant growth and social presence now consider SMM - social media marketing the greatest tool of all time! And if we talk about today, one strategy that is the biggest buzzword making a big impact is micro-influencer marketing ! While mega-celebrities with millions of followers might be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of influencer marketing, the smaller, more relatable voices are proving to be a game-changer for many businesses.  In this blog, you'll explore the world of micro-influencers and find how to harness their power for your brand on Instagram effectively. So, are you ready to take a flight into this immense world of micro-influencers?  First things first… Who are Micro-Influencers? To put it straight, micro-influencers are individuals who have a modest following on social media platforms, especially Instagram. Their follo

Avoid Social Media Burnout While Making Your Brand Authentic

Social media detox, the impact of social media on mental health, and influencers overload, these terms have created a buzz lately. As brands ramp up their Instagram influencer marketing investment, they must be sensitive to audiences' demands and influencers. In addition, numerous studies have shown 90 % of young people are using social media regularly and are developing an illness like depression and anxiety. So, amongst all this, can brand use Instagram for promoting their business? How can brands avoid social media burnout? Let's answer all these questions!                            Develop Close Connection with the Target Audience The target audience must know that you are speaking right to them and not casting a wide net in the competitive social media arena. Brands can use social media analytics to determine which social media influencer has the power to sway your audience. Influencer’s voice comes out to be more authentic and engaging. Another way to engage your audien